What type of charts are the most common in e-commerce?

There are several types of charts that are commonly used in e-commerce to represent and analyze data. Some of the most common include:

  1. Bar charts: These are used to compare different categories of data, such as sales by product, category, or region. They are useful for comparing the relative sizes of different data points and for identifying which categories are performing the best and worst.
  2. Line charts: These are used to track changes over time, such as changes in sales, website traffic, or conversion rates. They can also be used to show trends, such as whether sales are increasing or decreasing over time.
  3. Pie charts: These are used to show how a whole is divided into different parts, such as how sales are divided among different products or categories. They are useful for showing the relative proportions of different data points and for identifying which parts of the whole are the largest and smallest.
  4. Area charts: These are similar to line charts, but the area between the line and the x-axis is filled in with color. These are used to indicate the change in quantity or range of a metric over time or another variable.
  5. Column charts : These are used to compare data across different categories, showing the values of different data points as columns. They are useful for comparing the relative sizes of different data points and for identifying which categories are performing the best and worst.
  6. Scatter plots: These are used to show the relationship between two variables, such as the relationship between product price and sales. They can be used to identify trends and patterns in the data and to identify outliers or anomalies.

These are some of the most common chart types used in e-commerce, other than these there are also heat maps, treemaps, bubble charts, and many others that can be used depending on the type of data, the questions you want to ask and the insights you want to gain.